- I got a didjeridoo.
- My mom called the police on me.
- I had a whole alcoholic beverage (for the first time).
1. For my mom's 50th birthday we took a trip up to see her dear friend (which she has known since high school). We stayed there for two nights and had a wonderful time. Some highlights were:
- making our own pizzas in the backyard professional pizza oven (some of the best pizza I've ever had)
- having good adult conversations with intelligent and awesome people
- hanging out with a really cool guy named Jim (my mom's friends partner), who I can really relate to in many ways, talking and playing dij
- doing a bit of portable recording and sequencing
- spending time with my mom on her birthday, going to the used record shop, looking at colleges, and having lunch together
- receiving my own didjeridoo.
I got to play a lot in the 3 days that I was there. Didjeridoo is something that comes fairly naturally to me and I guess I impressed Jim by how well I could play and how much joy I got out of it. He actually makes didjeridoos and so when I was about to leave he said that I could take one with me and that next time that we saw each other, he would help me make one. I am very excited for that and in the mean time I get to play one that I have on a semi-long-term loan! :D
2. I was invited to go to my friend's house for a barbecue...the club plans fell through because she did not have the plastic version of her ID yet. Damn :( (but I think this was actually better of a plan since I was pretty tired after driving back from my mom's friend's and didn't totally feel up to go out dancing).
I took a short nap and set my palm pilot's alarm so that I would have enough time to go and get dressed and ready then catch the bus. I had forgotten that I had set my palm pilot to silent the night before to make sure I wouldn't disturb anybody so naturally my alarm didn't go off and when I looked at my watch, the bus had already gone by. So I asked my mom for a ride up to the highway to catch a different later bus going to my friend's work where I was going to meet her. I waited out there for about half an hour but the bus never came. I then decided that I would just go straight to her house and wait for her or meet her there. I rode an altogether different bus as close as it took me then walked the rest of the way to her house (a nice 23 minute and 33 second walk). I got there but there was no one home so I couldn't call anyone and let them know that I was there. (the following details may not be completely true but they are what I have figured must have happened). Naturally when I didn't show up at her work, my friend called my house wondering where I was. My mom told her that I had been dropped off at the bus. My friend then ended up driving around searching for me and when she had not found me she ended up calling my mom again to let her know. My mom ended up freaking out about me and getting worried and eventually called the police. Eventually my friend ended up coming home and I was happily waiting there for her.
I called home and talked to my mom and she was still sort of freaked out and informed me that she had called the police. I was sort of aghast and I thought it was a bit much... This all occurred last night and today when I was in our main little town, I went in to go and get coffee. The woman that was working behind the counter was very thankful to see me and exclaimed something to the extent of "Oh my gosh, Ahren, you are alive!" she then proceeded to tell me how she was at a play audition last night when a police officer came in looking for me and wanted to talk to one of my good friends. She ended up giving me a coffee on the house cause she was so glad to see that I was okay. Also today I was talking to Max who was also at the audition last night and the first thing he said was "The cops were looking for you yesterday. Are you safe?" and then when I asked him to he went on to explain...
"We were all doing vocal warm ups and Ethan got pulled away to talk to a police officer. Evan and I were really confused at first. We thought Ethan got in trouble or something. Apparently the officer saw him outside the theater and followed him in. Anyways, I think Ethan mentioned that they policeman thought his last name was Bader, or something like that. He said he was confused at first as to how they knew to talk to him, how they knew that he was your friend."
It's crazy how these things spread in a small community.
3. All of my life I have never really had any alcohol. Occasionally I will take a sip from my mom's wine or try some of my godfather's beer. All of those times I have never really liked the taste and all of the times I have never had anything more than just a very small amount. Last night however at this barbecue, my friend was making drinks and asked me if I would like one. I replied, "ummmmmmmm" then she asked "If I made you a drink, would you drink it?" and I said I would try it. I ended up drinking it all and it wasn't all that bad. I took my time though and drank it over the period of an hour or more so I don't think I got a buzz off of it at all. It was a really fun nice evening hanging out with awesome people who are all quite amusing.
So that's recent events in the life of Ahren.